How to convert vector to set?

Solution 1:

Suppose you have a vector of strings, to convert it to a set you can:

std::vector<std::string> v;

std::set<std::string> s(v.begin(), v.end());

For other types, you must have operator< defined.

Solution 2:

All of the answers so far have copied a vector to a set. Since you asked to 'convert' a vector to a set, I'll show a more optimized method which moves each element into a set instead of copying each element:

std::vector<T> v = /*...*/;

std::set<T> s(std::make_move_iterator(v.begin()),

Note, you need C++11 support for this.

Solution 3:

You can initialize a set using the objects in a vector in the following manner:

vector<T> a;
... some stuff ...
set<T> s(a.begin(), a.end());

This is the easy part. Now, you have to realize that in order to have elements stored in a set, you need to have bool operator<(const T&a, const T& b) operator overloaded. Also in a set you can have no more then one element with a given value acording to the operator definition. So in the set s you can not have two elements for which neither operator<(a,b) nor operator<(b,a) is true. As long as you know and realize that you should be good to go.

Solution 4:

If all you want to do is store the elements you already have in a vector, in a set:

std::vector<int> vec;
// fill the vector
std::set<int> myset(vec.begin(), vec.end());

Solution 5:

You haven't told us much about your objects, but suppose you have a class like this:

class Thing
  int n;
  double x;
  string name;

You want to put some Things into a set, so you try this:

Thing A;
set<Thing> S;

This fails, because sets are sorted, and there's no way to sort Things, because there's no way to compare two of them. You must provide either an operator<:

class Thing
  int n;
  double x;
  string name;

  bool operator<(const Thing &Other) const;

bool Thing::operator<(const Thing &Other) const

set<Thing> S;

or a comparison function object:

class Thing
  int n;
  double x;
  string name;

struct ltThing
  bool operator()(const Thing &T1, const Thing &T2) const
    return(T1.x < T2.x);

set<Thing, ltThing> S;

To find the Thing whose name is "ben", you can iterate over the set, but it would really help if you told us more specifically what you want to do.