Where can I learn more about C++0x? [closed]

  • ISO C++ committee
  • Bjarne Stroustrup
    • Especially his C++0x FAQ
    • The Design of C++0x (pdf) from C/C++ Users Journal, May 2005
  • Wikipedia's C++0x article
  • G++'s experimental support for C++0x with the -std=c++0x switch
  • SO's c++0x tag

Articles on

Lambda Expressions,

The Type Traits Library,

The rvalue Reference,


Variadic Templates,


Regular Expressions


Multi Threading

General Discussion

The C/C++ Users Journal,

The New C++,



Google tech talk

overview of various features

overview at wikipedia



Herb Sutter's blog, He posts new developments in C++0x and links to detailed references

Bjarne Stroustrup's Website

Both are ISO-C++ standards committee members. Herb Sutter will posts an update on each meeting that he attends.

Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++

Wikipedia article seems like an excellent starting point: C++0x

It provides a good summary with brief examples and is updated regularly to match latest additions.