Yep. You can actually get the view by using this function:

public View getActionBarView() {
    Window window = getWindow();
    View v = window.getDecorView();
    int resId = getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar_container", "id", "android");
    return v.findViewById(resId);

Pretty much the way this works is that the actionbar container uses the id, but this id is not public. Therefore we use getIdentifier() to retrieve this id and then the rest is simple.

I think this solution is more complete, handling both normal Activity and ActionBarActivity.

It also handles the case that the actionbar was set using a toolbar, but you need to implement it in the activity you've created:

public static View getActionBarView(final Activity activity) {
    if (activity instanceof IToolbarHolder)
        return ((IToolbarHolder) activity).getToolbar();
    final String packageName = activity instanceof ActionBarActivity ? activity.getPackageName() : "android";
    final int resId = activity.getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar_container", "id", packageName);
    final View view = activity.findViewById(resId);
    return view;

public interface IToolbarHolder {
    public getToolbar();