how to listen to N channels? (dynamic select statement)
Solution 1:
You can do this using the Select
function from the reflect package:
func Select(cases []SelectCase) (chosen int, recv Value, recvOK bool)
Select executes a select operation described by the list of cases. Like the Go select statement, it blocks until at least one of the cases can proceed, makes a uniform pseudo-random choice, and then executes that case. It returns the index of the chosen case and, if that case was a receive operation, the value received and a boolean indicating whether the value corresponds to a send on the channel (as opposed to a zero value received because the channel is closed).
You pass in an array of SelectCase
structs that identify the channel to select on, the direction of the operation, and a value to send in the case of a send operation.
So you could do something like this:
cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(chans))
for i, ch := range chans {
cases[i] = reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(ch)}
chosen, value, ok := reflect.Select(cases)
// ok will be true if the channel has not been closed.
ch := chans[chosen]
msg := value.String()
You can experiment with a more fleshed out example here:
Solution 2:
You can accomplish this by wrapping each channel in a goroutine which "forwards" messages to a shared "aggregate" channel. For example:
agg := make(chan string)
for _, ch := range chans {
go func(c chan string) {
for msg := range c {
agg <- msg
select {
case msg <- agg:
fmt.Println("received ", msg)
If you need to know which channel the message originated from, you could wrap it in a struct with any extra information before forwarding it to the aggregate channel.
In my (limited) testing, this method greatly out performs using the reflect package:
$ go test dynamic_select_test.go -test.bench=.
BenchmarkReflectSelect 1 5265109013 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSelect 20 81911344 ns/op
ok command-line-arguments 9.463s
Benchmark code here