Inherently verses Innately [closed]

Innate has a few definitions, including one that lists it as a synonym of inherent, but the summary definition is "existing from the time a person or animal is born". In contrast, inherent is defined as "belonging to the basic nature of someone or something" or "involved in the constitution or essential character of something"

The connotations are very different here: to say a trait is innate is implying you were born with that trait, similar to saying someone is "a natural" as something. On the other hand, if you have a trait that is inherent, you would not be you without it; it is essential to the definition of whoever/whatever is described as having that trait.

For example, if we were to say "compassion is an innate trait of humanity", we are implying that all of humanity is born with compassion. If instead we say "compassion is an inherent trait of humanity", we are implying that being compassionate is essential to being human, and that without compassion, you don't have humanity.