const char* concatenation

I need to concatenate two const chars like these:

const char *one = "Hello ";
const char *two = "World";

How might I go about doing that?

I am passed these char*s from a third-party library with a C interface so I can't simply use std::string instead.

In your example one and two are char pointers, pointing to char constants. You cannot change the char constants pointed to by these pointers. So anything like:

strcat(one,two); // append string two to string one.

will not work. Instead you should have a separate variable(char array) to hold the result. Something like this:

char result[100];   // array to hold the result.

strcpy(result,one); // copy string one into the result.
strcat(result,two); // append string two to the result.

The C way:

char buf[100];
strcpy(buf, one);
strcat(buf, two);

The C++ way:

std::string buf(one);

The compile-time way:

#define one "hello "
#define two "world"
#define concat(first, second) first second

const char* buf = concat(one, two);

If you are using C++, why don't you use std::string instead of C-style strings?

std::string one="Hello";
std::string two="World";

std::string three= one+two;

If you need to pass this string to a C-function, simply pass three.c_str()

Using std::string:

#include <string>

std::string result = std::string(one) + std::string(two);