What's the easiest way to upgrade Ghostscript?

I have version 8 of Ghostscript on my Ubuntu 10.04 server.

What is the easiest way to install version 9? Source install? PPA? Something else?

ghostscript is not found under Ubuntu Software Center

So, either install it from there or you can just update your current version to latest one:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ghostscript

If that doesn't work download one of the following:

  • 64 bit
  • 32bit


sudo dpkg -i /path-to-downloadedpackage.deb

The recommended way is (as posted before):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ghostscript

If you need a newer version than provided by your Ubuntu-Version:

  • Download "Ghostscript 9 Source" from https://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html (direct link to gs 9.27)
  • uncompress it (f.e. tar xvf ghostscript-9.27.tar.gz)
  • go into this folder
  • sudo ./configure
  • sudo make install
  • restart Terminal
  • Test with gs -v

To check your version (maybe after restarting terminal)

ghostscript -v