Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik?

  • At launch, Java was the only officially supported programming language for building distributable third-party Android software.

  • Android Native Development Kit (Android NDK) which will allow developers to build Android software components with C and C++.

  • In addition to delivering support for native code, Google is also extending Android to support popular dynamic scripting languages. Earlier this month, Google launched the Android Scripting Environment (ASE) which allows third-party developers to build simple Android applications with perl, JRuby, Python, LUA and BeanShell. For having idea and usage of ASE, refer this Example link.

  • Scala is also supported. For having examples of Scala, refer these Example link-1 , Example link-2 , Example link-3 .

  • Just now i have referred one Article Here in which i found some useful information as follows:

    1. programming language is Java but bridges from other languages exist (C# .net - Mono, etc).
    2. can run script languages like LUA, Perl, Python, BeanShell, etc.

  • I have read 2nd article at Google Releases 'Simple' Android Programming Language . For example of this, refer this .

  • Just now (2 Aug 2010) i have read an article which describes regarding "Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android", refer this links Link-1 , Link-2

  • On 4-Aug-2010, i have found Regarding RenderScript. Basically, It is said to be a C-like language for high performance graphics programming, which helps you easily write efficient Visual effects and animations in your Android Applications. Its not released yet as it isn't finished.

Scala works very well.

I'm programming my Android application projects in Scala (Website written in Chinese with some screenshot, source code @ GitHub), and it is pretty easy to setup the evnviroment (without IDE, using SBT as build tool).

It could access every API in Android SDK, so anything you could do in Java, you could do it in Scala too.

You may check this blog entry to see how to build Android application with Scala and SBT.

Kawa is a lovely but little known variant of Scheme that has existed quietly for many years and runs on both the JVM and Dalvik, natively. Therefore, its output includes no extra VM and only includes explicitly imported libraries. To the end-programmer, this means Kawa's performance and executable size are nearly identical to standard Java (ProGuard not required).

Kawa also includes lots of macros (including some specific to Android APIs) that make for a nice clean syntax (assuming one is not averse to parentheses), and adds some tasty goodies on top of Scheme, like "promises" (lazy eval and futures in one). The language is quite robust and well-documented, and has been actively maintained and evolving since the early days of Java.

The Java Advent Calendar summarizes Kawa's merits with some informative examples and links.