Terminal with tmux style screen splitting?

I think you may want the other terminator Install terminator actually ;)

There's http://software.jessies.org/terminator/ (gokcehan's answer) and https://launchpad.net/terminator (install link above).

Which appears to be different projects, with a very similar purpose, confusingly enough. I think the one hosted on launchpad one is the one you want for your purpose though, and it's readily available in the Ubuntu Software Centre.

You can do it in screen the terminal multiplexer.

  • To split vertically: ctrla then |.
  • To split horizontally: ctrla then S (uppercase one).
  • To unsplit: ctrla then Q (uppercase one).
  • To switch from one to the other: ctrla then tab

EDIT, basic screen usage:

  • New terminal: ctrla then c.
  • Next terminal: ctrla then space.
  • Previous terminal: ctrla then backspace.
  • N'th terminal ctrla then [n]. (works for n∈{0,1…9})
  • Switch between terminals using list: ctrla then " (useful when more than 10 terminals)
  • Send ctrla to the underlying terminal ctrla then a.

You can also try dvtm+dtach:


Here is an article comparing them: http://chithanh.blogspot.com/2010/07/three-way-mini-shootout-between-gnu.html

I think you want the terminator.

Personally I'm finding that tmux+UXTerm gives me all the tmux-style screen splitting that I need. I can also "copy and paste between terminal windows and applications easily" - well, fairly easily, anyway.

To paste from the X clipboard, I need to remember to use shift+insert

To copy to the X clipboard, hold down shift while selecting the text to copy, then left-click when done. To paste that into another app, use shift+insert in the other app.

There's one area where this doesn't work perfectly: if I've got a vertical split and want to copy multiple lines. uxterm doesn't understand the split. To get around this I have "bind-key z resize-pane -Z" in my .tmux.conf; this toggles the pane between normal size and "zoomed" mode, where it occupies the whole window. C-b z makes it big, then I can copy, C-b z pops it back to normal size in the layout.