Meaning of "Select tables optimized away" in MySQL Explain plan

From the MySQL documentation:

The query contained only aggregate functions (MIN(), MAX()) that were all resolved using an index, or COUNT(*) for MyISAM, and no GROUP BY clause. The optimizer determined that only one row should be returned.

Basically this means your query uses data that is directly available to MySQL and the query will run in constant time.

It means you have done a query that does nothing more than count the number of rows in a table, and that table is a MyISAM table. MyISAM tables are stored with a separate row count, so to do this query MySQL doesn't need to look at any of the table row data at all. Instead it immediately returns the pre-calculated row count. Hence the table access is ‘optimized away’ and the query is lightning-fast.

The same won't happen on other storage engines in MySQL such as InnoDB. But really, you want to be using InnoDB and not MyISAM in most cases for a variety of other reasons. (And even without the row count optimisation this kind of query is very, very fast.)

select count(comment_count) from wp_posts;

Is that what you really meant to do? That's the same as just SELECT COUNT(*)... (assuming comment_count can't be NULL, which it can't be or you wouldn't have got the optimisation). If you want a total of the comment_count​s you should be using SUM(comment_count), and you won't get the ‘optimized away’ behaviour.

It means the table is completely optimized out of the query. You can’t get any better than that.