Solution 1:

You're confusing substring() and substr(): substring() expects two indices and not offset and length. In your case, the indices are 5 and 2, ie characters 2..4 will be returned as the higher index is excluded.

Solution 2:

You have three options in Javascript:

//syntax: string.slice(start [, stop])
"Good news, everyone!".slice(5,9); // extracts 'news'

//syntax: string.substring(start [, stop])
"Good news, everyone!".substring(5,9); // extracts 'news'

//syntax: string.substr(start [, length])
"Good news, everyone!".substr(5,4); // extracts 'news'

Solution 3:

Check the substring syntax:

substring(from, to)

from Required. The index where to start the extraction. First character is at index 0

to Optional. The index where to stop the extraction. If omitted, it extracts the rest of the string

I'll grant you it's a bit odd. Didn't know that myself.

What you want to do is

alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 7));

Solution 4:

alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 2));

The code above is wrong because the first value is the start point to the end point.E.g move from char 5 which is o and go to char 2 which is the l so will get llo So you have told it to go backwards.

What yuou want is

alert('helloworld'.substring(5, 7));