How to install multiple versions of XAMPP?

I'm having trouble installing multiple versions of XAMPP on my machine. I am currently using version 1.7.7 and installed it in /opt/lampp, but I also need to install the previous version which is version 1.7.1. So I downloaded and installed version 1.7.1 in /opt/lampp2.

But when I run /opt/lampp2/lampp startcommand to start 1.7.1 version, why does XAMPP show that the version that is currently running is 1.7.7, when it should be 1.7.1?

Solution 1:

The solution is have separate directories and create a sym link to /opt/lampp

Keep 1.7.7 as /opt/lampp.1_7_7 and 1.7.1 as /opt/lampp.1_7_1 you can create a sym link to /opt/lampp. Based on the version choice you can change the sym link.

But the pain is if you have to switch versions you have delete the link and recreate a new one. So to avoid this, I found a script that can do the job.

Refer to this article (dead link, backup) to create the sym link

Script can help you to:

  • gives a choice of available versions of XAMPP (based on folder names containing them, based on the pattern shown above),
  • stops the XAMPP server processes,
  • deletes the existing lampp soft link,
  • creates a new soft link pointing at the folder containing the the chosen version of XAMPP.
