Android - get facebook profile picture

I don't know why, but I am always getting null when I try to get the profile picture of the user. Do I need to set some specific permissions to get access?

Below is my method:

public static Bitmap getFacebookProfilePicture(String userID) throws SocketException, SocketTimeoutException, MalformedURLException, IOException, Exception
   String imageURL;

   Bitmap bitmap = null;
   imageURL = ""+userID+"/picture?type=large";
   InputStream in = (InputStream) new URL(imageURL).getContent();
   bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in);

   return bitmap;

Bitmap bitmap = getFacebookProfilePicture(userId);

I am getting null. I don't know the reason why? Any help is appreciable.

This should work:

public static Bitmap getFacebookProfilePicture(String userID){
    URL imageURL = new URL("" + userID + "/picture?type=large");
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageURL.openConnection().getInputStream());

    return bitmap;

Bitmap bitmap = getFacebookProfilePicture(userId);


As suggested by @dvpublic in the comments, the problem of image not being downloaded is fixed using by "https" in favour of "http".

use the facebook ProfilePictureView instead of an Imageview


After that you can set facebook id like this in code

ProfilePictureView profilePictureView;

profilePictureView = (ProfilePictureView) findViewById(;


it works.. also You can set the size to small/normal/large/custom for ProfilePictureView

Simply use Picasso. Add Picasso Library and then use this simple line code:

userpicture = (ImageView) row.findViewById(;

       .load("" + userID+ "/picture?type=large")