How do you globally set the default browser using KDE4?

Solution 1:

I go to the start menu, then:

System Settings->Default Applications->Web Browser

and then I tell it to open http/https in:

Now links in choqok (or any other kde application) are opened in chrome, also, if I do alt+f2 and type "man:file" for instance, the man page opens in chrome.

I also modified the default email client so that emails are launched using gmail using the following command:

google-chrome ""%t

Solution 2:

I have here KDE 4.6 (Beta of course) but am sure this worked in 4.5.x because i was opening everything with Firefox.

Right click on a html file, choose properties and on the window that appears click on the small button next to the format of the file (html in this example). The button is small and to the right of the format. There you can choose which one will be the default one. The default one should be on top, the first one in the list will be the default for all html files.

I did this for avi, mpg, mp3, png, jpg, htm, php, js, css files.

Solution 3:

This worked for me (Kubuntu 16.04): go to : System Settings->Default Applications->Web Browser and put chromium-browser enter image description here

Solution 4:

In my case I had to do 2 thing:

  1. Change the web browser default applications in the system settings:

System Settings->Default Applications->Web Browser

  1. Add default HTTP and HTTPS handler in mimeapps.list:

Using whatever editor you prefer, you might need sudo for that, add the x-scheme-handler/http and x-scheme-handler/https:

vim ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list

You should end up with something like this:

[Default Applications]