How to create a 'Sharing Only' account via terminal in OS X?
Solution 1:
Based on bispymusic's answer to a previous question:
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser # use whatever account name you want
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser RealName "Sharing-only Account"
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser hint "Password Hint"
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser picture "/Path/To/Picture.png"
dscl . passwd /Users/sharinguser thisistheaccountpassword
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser UniqueID 550 # Pick something unique
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser PrimaryGroupID 20 # Staff group
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser UserShell /usr/bin/false # No shell access allowed!
dscl . create /Users/sharinguser NFSHomeDirectory /dev/null # No home directory!
As with the script it's based on, you'll either need to run it with sudo
, or prefix each dscl
command with sudo
. Be sure to adjust the account name, RealName, password, and UniqueID (and probably the hint and picture). Note that the critical attributes to make this a sharing-only account are the UserShell and NFSHomeDirectory attributes -- leave these as I have them.
It's a bit confusing that all of the lines refer to /Users/sharinguser (or whatever account name you choose) despite this not existing in the filesystem -- this is because it doesn't refer to a file path, but to the path to a record in OS X's directory service. The filesystem and OS X directory services both use the same path notation, but actually have very little to do with each other. Thus, the home directory path can be set to /dev/null while the account's path directory service stays normal.