Choosing an abstract algebra text [closed]

Solution 1:

To repeat what I said in the comments, my first choice among the three books that you mention is Herstein’s. It’s a little old-fashioned, but that’s not really a problem for a first text. The exposition isn’t flashy, but it’s very solid, and there are lots of good problems, including some very challenging ones.

Having said that, though, I strongly recommend that you spend some time looking at the early parts of all three before you decide, in order to see how well each of the expository styles works for you. This includes the way the author puts words together, the amount of detail in proofs, the number and placement of concrete examples $-$ even the typographical layout, if that affects the book’s readability for you.

Solution 2:

I would suggest less on the choice of the textbook and more on solving problems. You do not learn algebra by reading 700 pages of definitions and other's proofs. Pick up any book and work through 70% of the problems you consider not simply a routine manipulation of algebra (for example, verifying the real numbers is a field). Then you will know:

1) Some seemingly difficult problems can be solved by proving simpler lemmas first.

2) Some problems are not clear how to find the best solution, and may need help from others or check on other reference books.

3) Some problems has deep association with other fields, and may provide motivation for your future study.

In the end, no matter which book you use, the goal is if you encounter a mathematical phenomenon you will immediately know what kind of structure may associated with it. For example, if someone is talking about finite groups acting on a vector space or a set, you will be thinking how the representation can be decomposed like or how the group action's stabilizer is. If you can successfully build up a "personal dictionary" that translates mathematical phenomenon on the one hand and abstract mathematical structure on the other hand, then you achieved your goal in learning algebra. In the end you are going to work on problems not in the textbook, and building up a mathematical structure yourself can be very fulfilling if you find its association with other fields of mathematics.

Solution 3:

Of the three texts that you have mentioned, Dummit and Foote is the only one I have looked at and it is indeed an extremely good entry level book.

I would also recommend A First Course in Abstract Algebra by John B. Fraleigh. This was the first abstract algebra book I encountered and I found it to be an invaluable reference with many useful examples.

As others have said above, the important thing about learning abstract algebra (or any kind of maths for that matter) is doing exercises, rather than just simply reading page after page of theory. This is the way that you learn what is $\textit{actually}$ happening!

Solution 4:

My favorite Algebra book is Algebra by Thomas Hungerford. It's a pretty big encyclopedia of algebraic concepts. – EMKA

I would suggest this text if it's your first abstract class. If this is graduate level, I would suggest Advanced Modern Algebra - Joseph J. Rotman.

I've read both, Hungerford starts off with rings then works to fields with most of groups at the end. Honestly, I think he does a better job at conveying rings than Rotman or D&F.