Is there a "TUI" mode for standalone lldb?

In top of tree svn source lldb there's a very new command line GUI mode that's been added by Greg Clayton. It's pretty neat with separate windows for the source, local variables, stack, threads, registers, etc. No console window yet. It's pretty cool. See for how to build lldb from source if you'd like to check it out. To enter the GUI mode, just type gui from the lldb command line when you're debugging.

UPDATE: this gui feature is included in the lldb that ships in Xcode 6 and later. It's a nights-and-weekends side project that isn't seeing a lot of active development right now but give it a try.

Sadly, no.

However, I did came across this:

If you are familiar with screen/tmux it works pretty good.

Type gui in lldb's prompt after you're at an interesting breakpoint. It has a small tutorial the first time it's opened and built-in help.