Spigot - ApplicationManager quit unexpetedly

The crash report suggests Spigot software is the problem.

Removing Spigot

The Safe Mac provide instructions for removing this software, Adware Removal Guide : Spigot:

Spigot is an adware company responsible for a number of different adware programs. At one time, CNET’s Download.com site was wrapping a lot of Mac software in a CNET Installer that also installs Spigot’s adware.

The Safe Mac recommends removing the following files and folders:

~/Library/Application Support/Spigot/

Spigot themselves provide these steps, Uninstall Spigot Mac Extensions.

Causing the Crash: Spigot

The crash log suggests your Mac has Spigot software installed. The following line provides the clue:

Path: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Spigot/ApplicationManager

It is unlikely you directly installed Spigot software – or want it on your Mac. The Spigot explains more about its role:

Spigot’s industry leading browser add-ons provide software developers with the ability to maximize monetization per user.