How can I automatically shutdown the system after a specific time?

How can I automatically shutdown the system after a certain customizable time?

Open a terminal window and type in:

sudo shutdown -h +60

and just replace 60 with whatever number of minutes you want to take.

More info here:

  • You can use gshutdown Install gshutdown
  • After installation it can be found under Applications → Accessories → GShutdown alt text
  • Also have a look at this method.

Because the topic abt shutting down PC after certain period of inactivity is redirected to this topic, I will explain this issue here.

I spent lots of time to solve this problem, so I find it useful to share it, to make the same issue simple for others. I hv tried different programmes but they haven't work for me so I found using short script with cronjob the best solution.

Firstly I refered to post Timed Shutdown - shutdown after 30 minutes

I will copy it below and then explain improvements to make it work:

Install xprintidle. This tool gives the idle time of a user.

sudo apt-get install xprintidle

Make a script which checks for the idle time and instructs the computer to shutdown if idle for 30 minutes.


if [ $idle -gt 1800000 ]; then
    shutdown -h now

Make a cronjob for this that checks from time to time if the system has been idle for too long and if it has been idle for a longer than 30 minutes it will shutdown. Note that the cronjob has to be made for the root user.

This script needs some improvements to work, like:

idle=`env DISPLAY=:0 su OUR_USER -c xprintidle 2>&1`

OUR_USER is the user we refer to for checking idle time (not root user)

DISPLAY=:0 is correct for one desktop display (run env command to read DISPLAY in your situation)

if script is run by OUR_USER, line above can be reduced:

idle=`env DISPLAY=:0 xprintidle 2>&1`

This topic is described

if script is run by OUR_USER, shutdown command should be preceded by sudo

sudo shutdown -h now

My script was run from cron by line in cron file:

*/5 * * * * /home/OUR_USER/ 
  • every 5 minutes
  • OUR_USER should be replaced as earlier to the user we refer to.

If script is not run by root we should remember to add the line:

ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown 

in sudoers file, so shutdown command won't need a password to be executed.

I tried such cronjobs on 2 similar distro Lubuntu 12.04.4 RC LXLE 32-bit ( )

In one system it works only using root cronjob set in file:



Another problem is that xprintidle in my system has given sometimes random for me values and sometimes logically incremental. The final result - my system has been usually shutdown after 20 mins maybe, if I set the max idle value to 30 mins. I think the culprit is xscreensaver which doesn't work as is set by entered parameters.