What's the point of seduce in crusader kings 2? What can you do with it?

Solution 1:

There are several very useful things you can do with seduce:

  • If you are female, you can increase the number of children you have and select your mating partners
  • Same goes if you are male, you can increase the number of children, but you will gain a negative opinion modifier with all your other children
  • Finally, you can target female rulers. If you acknowledge the child as yours once they are born, they will inherit the ruler's claims, which you can then press and increase your realm size

Solution 2:

When a bastard is born, an event MAY occur for a father to acknowledge the baby. It gives you an opinion penalty (cheated your wife) and a child is considered your own. Later you can legitimize your bastards.

Why is it useful? Right now my ruler is about 30 and has no children. Something goes wrong between him and his wife. So going seducing some women (with good genetic traits) is a way to continue my bloodline)