Monday as first day in GNOME Shell (instead of Sunday)

I've been dealing with different regional settings (US, Canada and other locations in English, as well as other countries and languages), but I cannot get GNOME Shell Calendar to begin with Monday, instead of Sunday. I have even modified the en_US file in /usr/share/i18n/locales/ (line: first workday: 1). All without success. My question is: is it hard-coded in GNOME Shell or it can be changed?

Answers to this previous question doesn't apply to GNOME Shell.


Solution 1:

To adjust this, change or add the following lines in the LC_TIME section in /usr/share/i18n/locales/<your_locale>:

week            7;19971130;5
first_weekday   2
first_workday   2

(first_weekday 2 sets Monday as the first day of the week, and first_workday 2 sets Monday as the first work day of the week.)

And then update the system:

sudo locale-gen

Then log out and log in again.