Is there a custom format in excel to show cents values without a decimal

I would like to display 0.37 as 37¢, in Excel. I can do .37¢ with the format .00¢, but 00¢ doesn't work, cause it works with the whole number part.

I know the percentage sign works with the next two digits, like I would like to do, so maybe there is a way to do a percentage formatting, and have a different character in place of the percent sign?

There is a clever workaround to show decimals as whole cents using a number format, and without changing the actual value in the cell. Right click the cell and select Format Cells. On the Number tab, go to Custom.

In the custom number format "Type" field copy/paste the following:

# ¢

Then type this keyboard combination:

Ctrl + J

And finally:


Click OK to save the custom number format. Then set the cell format to "Wrap Text".

The % symbol multiplies the number by 100 so your 0.37 shows as 37. It also adds a percent symbol to the format which you don't want.

Ctrl + J hides the percent symbol by inserting a CHR(10) line break that moves the percent symbol to a second line in the cell. Excel won't auto-increase the row height for this cell so it stays hidden.

The end result is that a cell value of 0.37 displays as 37 ¢

You can use a formula with an IF to check for values greater (or less than) 1.
