*the most* in english [closed]

Suppose we have job A, B and C. Job A requires more skill than job B and C. How do we say that?

i) The job that requires most skill is job A.

ii) The job that most requires skill is job A.

iii) The job that requires skill the most is job A.

i) is the closest, although I would add an extra word: The job that requires the most skill is job A.

I would personally use "the most" in i).

i) sounds like you are answering a question about which jobs presented require the most skill. The focus here is on "skill"--the most skill.

ii) places an emphasis on "most" due to word placement. So, when you would say this out loud, you would actually hear the emphasis on that word. The focus here is actually on "requires"--so, we're talking about the job that requires it the most, not necessarily requires the most skill. (Does that make sense?)

iii) is the same as ii), just worded differently. "The most" is referring to "requires skill."