How is Regional Mind Unit scoring calculated at each Checkpoint?

Solution 1:

At each checkpoint, all currently-standing fields in the region are measured. The region's team score is then averaged with any previous checkpoints in the cycle.

CP 1:

  • Set up fields for 900,000
  • Running score is 900,000 / 1 = 900,000

CP 2:

  • Opposition takes down 300,000 worth of fields
  • Measurement at checkpoint is 600,000
  • Running score is (900,000 + 600,000) / 2 = 750,000

CP 3:

  • Put 150,000 worth of fields back up.
  • Measurement at checkpoint is 750,000
  • Running score is (900,000 + 600,000 + 750,000) / 3 = 750,000

It's possible to use one very big field at one checkpoint to inflate that average for a while. (This is moderately common in my region, where one side is significantly outnumbered -- they can't keep lots of smaller fields up for an extended period of time because of lack of manpower, so they make up for it with planning and coordination to have short-lived but very large fields at least once per cycle.)

CP 1:

  • Set up fields for 5,000
  • Running score is 5,000 / 1 = 5,000

CP 2:

  • Set up GIANT FIELD for 2,000,000
  • Measurement at checkpoint is 2,005,000
  • Running score is (5,000 + 2,005,000) / 2 = 1,005,000

CP 3:

  • Opposition destroys your giant field.
  • Measurement at checkpoint is 5,000
  • Running score is (5,000 + 2,005,000 + 5,000) / 3 = 671,667

CP 4:

  • Measurement at checkpoint is 5,000
  • Running score is (5,000 + 2,005,000 + 5,000 + 5,000) / 4 = 505,000

Fields need to be standing at checkpoint to count. If I make that two million MU field and it is taken down before checkpoint, it isn't measured or recorded in the scores -- just in my agent profile.

Solution 2:

The team score at each checkpoint is the average of the MU controlled by each team at the preceding checkpoints. This means if 1 team is way ahead half way through, they could stop playing, lose their fields eventually, and still win the cycle. The next cycle would start, however, and the score would be the average of MU active at each checkpoint.

Personal score is how many MU you have gained since the beginning of the Cycle. It doesn't count what was up at the end of the last cycle... so to stay at the top, your fields have to either be destroyed and you rebuild them, or you build more. It also does not matter whether your MU gained was active at the checkpoint, and even counted on the team score. I have seen mega fields destroyed before the checkpoint, but the players responsible for the fields were listed as the top agents in the region, though they were thousands of miles away.

Agent "Now" is simply how much MU you currently control (and is a part of your team score).