How to lane against AP Mid LeBlanc
My play-style is a ranged counter-attack, and my Mid Lane Champs matches my play-style. However, I find it hard to lane against mid-lane assassins, specifically LeBlanc.
How do I effectively lane against LeBlanc using each and one of these champs?
Here are my usual Mid-Lane Champs:
- Morgana
- Veigar
- Zilean
- Zyra
For those who are thinking if I use support as a primary role, the answer is yes. However I find it hard to shift from support to AP mid, some good tips would be greatly appreciated.
Solution 1:
Well for starters you havent picked the strongest midlaners. But ill try to give some tacs etc for your picked champions and some other suggestions
Morgana: Go cry. This lane is a mess. The massive CD on your shield vs her low CD spells is practically useless. You can block one burst but if you don't kill her afterwards you are dead. Your binding & soil will practically never hit unless you predict the dash. She is very mobile. Especially after lvl 6. Same for your ult. She can just dash out of its range.
Veigar: You actually stand quite a chance as Veigar. Once you get lvl 6 your kill potential is higher then hers I think. Lane safely. Use Q to poke her instead of stacking Q. And when she dashes. Place the "Event Horizon" on the dash marker and launch the meteor. With this tactic you can shut her down pretty easy if she plays a little reckless.
Zilean: Your bomb range is higher the her spells and she has no real counter to them as well. I've played this lane last week. You can negate her burst completely with your ult. The main thing in lane is keep up with cs and exp. Also build mana sustain early. So that you can keep spamming rewind for extremely low cd on chrososhift.
Zyra: Zyra is actually pretty tricky. Although some similarities with Morgana, your bind goes through minions. But she can still dash out of both your bind & ult with little effort. So if you want kills. Roam.
Like all mid lanes. If you feel unsafe. Play secure. And don't die. After lvl 6 start roaming and make sure you always know where the other mid laner is. Leblanc is a great roamer so be careful
Good Counters to Leblanc:
Syndra: Her long range poke and stun are amazing and have a fast travelling time. Although the stun can be tricky to aim. At lvl 6, place as many balls as possible, stun & ult & ignite will kill her
Annie: My little pyromaniac <3 although pre-6 it's hard to play vs Leblanc you can easily farm under turret with your Q. Annie her spells are all point and click and there is little room for her to dodge your stun charged "Tibbers". For firstblood. Get stun, flash in, R > W> Q + ignite and she is dead. Annie her burst is amazing at lvl 6.
If you need anymore help & tips just comment.
Solution 2:
To be able to counter champions efficiently, you need a way bigger pool of champions you can play to pick from, 4 is just not enough. That's good at first if you just started to learn midlane, but it won't be enough in the long run. Moreover as you only have one playstyle, being versatile is even more difficult.
If you want to counter a champion your pick is the priority (considering you can actually play it ^^, never pick a champ just because it's a counter, you need to know him for it to work). Champions like Galio (non burstable) or Fizz (can stick to her at all times) are the best for this match-up. But if you really want a "ranged counter-attack" champion, Syndra is the one to take. She is a really strong pick against Leblanc for several reasons :
- You have a lot of a quick harass to keep-up with her
- As soon as you are 6, it's a burst race but your full combo outdamages her (stun(Q+E) + slow(W) + ult(R) + ignite)
- A lot of champions have a hard time finishing her because of her strong decoy/invisibility passive, but with Syndra just make sure to ult + ignite right before it triggers and it will kill her anyways.