I have installed the Google Drive Realtime API sample files on my web server, following these instructions, including generating a client_id in the Cloud Console and inserting it into the index.html file.

When I visit that page and click the button to authorize the app, it pops up with a new window and shows:

Error: invalid_client
no registered origin

The Request Details are:

scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.install https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me

I can't see any other client_id that I should be using in the Cloud Console. Does anybody know how to overcome this error? Thanks for your help.

In the new Google API Console, configure your OAuth2.0 authorized origins from

Your Project > APIs & auth > Credentials

You might need to add a new Client ID specifically for a web application (I did because the default was for AppEngine)

Create Client ID > Web Application > Authorized Javascript origins

If you are running on a local dev server, just add the exact URL such as :

UPDATE: I changed accepted answer to Johno Scott instead as he refers to the newer version of the console, whereas mine was only true for the older version.

I solved it. I needed to enter a WEB ORIGIN on the OAuth 2.0 Client ID screen. Specifically, it had to be the exact path/url of the index.html file, otherwise it defaults to the root domain which doesn't work.

This screenshot shows you exactly where it needs to be entered:

enter image description here