Force nginx to send specific Content-Type

How to overwrite default Content-Type in nginx? Currently when I request 01.dae file, there's

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;

And I want it to be

Content-Type: application/xml;

I tried something like

location ~* \.dae$ {
  types { };
  default_type application/xml;


location ~* \.dae$ {
  add_header Content-Type application/xml;

but nothing works.

Solution 1:

In case you have no file extension:

location ~ something {
   default_type application/xml;

Nginx docs for default_type

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Solution 2:

You can edit /etc/nginx/mime.types and add it

types {
    application/xml        dae;

I haven't found the the exact string application/xml in my mime.types so I suppose you can directly include it inside your server block, in the server scope or something.