I'm trying to use Tor-Server as a proxy in HttpWebRequest, my code looks like this:

HttpWebRequest request;
HttpWebResponse response;

request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.google.com");
request.Proxy = new WebProxy("");

response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

it works perfect with "normal" proxies but with Tor I'm getting Exceptions while calling

GetResponse() with Status = ServerProtocolViolation. The message is (in German...):Message = "Der Server hat eine Protokollverletzung ausgeführt.. Section=ResponseStatusLine"

Solution 1:

If you have privoxy installed and running you can do

request.Proxy = new WebProxy(""); // default privoxy port

Which will enable you to make requests using tor

Solution 2:

Tor is not an HTTP proxy. It's a SOCKS proxy. You can use an HTTP proxy that supports forwarding on SOCKS (like Privoxy) and connect to that via code instead.

Solution 3:

Yes like the other poster said, a socks client is needed. Some libraries are Starksoft Proxy, ProxySocket and ComponentSpace Socks Proxy. sockscap is a tool that intercepts and reroutes winsock calls, and privoxy is a local proxy that can tunnel your requests over socks. A couple different solutions.