installing wxpython via pip or easy_install

You seem to be new to this... welcome!

The folk at Enthought, who built EPD for you still haven't figured out how to reliably build wxPython for a 64-bit python, see here:

So, you are treading into difficult waters. Have you considered going the Qt route? All traitsUI backed apps will easily port over to Qt. Currently, I like the looks of Homebrew for interacting with EPD (e.g. for installing pyQt), but the jury is still out (haven't done it yet). I'd post a link to that too, but I am a 1-point user at present...

Another possiblity would be to also install the 32-bit EPD which already includes wxPython for you. You might then use your 32-bit python for visualization and your 64-bit for serious number crunching.

If you do insist on installing wxPython, note that you won't be able to link the Carbon version (which is stable, but only 32-bit). Instead, you'll want to use wxCocoa (experimental, 64-bit). At least, this is my understanding. The Enthought folk don't make any mention of wxCocoa, and I wouldn't be surprised if there is breakage. TraitsUI is complex and difficult to debug, so be forewarned if you go this route!

wxPython does not include a file so neither easy_install or pip will be able to build it that way. Have a look at these instructions at the wxPython website as well as these instructions at the Enthought website to get an idea of how to build wxPython. Unfortunately, I've never built it (I don't use the Enthought version of Python) so I can't help you further than that. Good luck!