Rename files using a regex with bash [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
rename multiple files at once in unix

I would like to rename all files from a folder using a regex (add a name to the end of name) and move to another folder.

It my opinion, it should be looking like this:

mv -v ./images/*.png ./test/*test.png

but it does not work.

Can anyone suggest me a solution?

If you are on a linux, check special rename command which would do just that - renaming using regular expressions.

rename 's/^images\/(.+)/test\/$1.png/s' images/*.png

Otherwise, write a bash cycle over the filenames as catwalk suggested.

Try this:

for x in *.png;do mv $x test/${x%.png}test.png;done

$ for old in ./images*.png; do
    new=$(echo $old | sed -e 's/\.png$/test.png/')
    mv -v "$old" "$new"