Is it possible to debug Global.asax?

Solution 1:

A simple way to break in Application_Start() is to use the System.Diagnostics.Debugger class. You can force the application to break by inserting System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() where you would like the debugger to break.

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) 

     // ...

Solution 2:

  1. Attach the debugger to the IIS process.
  2. Open the global.asax file and put in a breakpoint.
  3. Add a space to the web.config file and save the file (this causes the current web application to reset);
  4. Refresh / goto a web page on the site.
  5. watch in amazement when the debugger stops at your breakpoint. :)

Solution 3:

Application_Start() is invoked once per AppDomain. If you're not hitting your breakpoint, it means the AppDomain was already created, so do the following:

  • In your quick-launch bar, there is an icon for the VS web server (its the one which says "Local Host Some Port"). Right click and choose "Stop" or "Close". This should kill the AppDomain.
    • If you're using IIS, you need to restart your site manually.
    • Alternatively, modifying the web config or Global.asax file is usually enough to restart the AppDomain.
  • Restart your debugging, you should hit your breakpoints now.

Solution 4:

Check that your web application is in debug mode (<compilation debug="true"> in web.config).

If you're using developer's IIS started by VS, just restart it or rebuild application.

If you're on normal IIS you have two options:

  1. For web-site is configured to work with development folder (where you VS web project is deployed) you just have to restart application pool set for that web-site and start debugging before first request reaches server (you can always restart app pool during debug).
  2. For web-site that works on another folder or even on remote server you have to attach to the process. To do this you need remote debugger installed on remote machine or your own (depends on web-server location) and use Debug - Attach to process menu, enter computer name and then select a process to debug. It is usually a w3wp.exe working in managed mode type.