(Parentheses (inside parentheses)) [duplicate]
As you saw in the title, parentheses inside parentheses don't look too good. But, gramatically speaking, is it correct to do this? For example:
Go to this site (you should probably check it out, it's great (in case you didn't already notice) and gives you great information) to find out more about the solar system.
Welcome eshansingh - I second Drews answer.
Although you can do that (put parens inside other parens (realizing that it starts to get very ugly (the structure, not the meaning) quickly)), your poor readers (mentally poor, not financially) will soon develop a real (not hypothetical (though perhaps parenthetical)) head(ache). (Oops that last one (head(ache)) was incorrect usage.) ugh where is my aspirin bottle?
Go to this site (you should probably check it out, it's great (in case you didn't already notice) and gives you great information) to find out more about the solar system.
[How about:]
In case you didn't already notice, this site is great and gives you great [now a redundant 'great'] information about the solar system.
[My editor brain says:]
If you haven't seen this great site already, go there to learn more about the solar system.
The old typographical convention which I was told years ago by a retired typesetter, is that if one has nested parenthetical expressions, different characters are used for the inner parenthetical than the outer, so the outer expression is parenthesis, the next level of parenthesis is square brackets, and the next set after that is parentheses again, or sometimes curved brackets, so the pattern is ([{}]). I have most often seen two layers of parentheses in religious writing, where a referenced Bible verse will be quoted in full in parentheses, and the citation--chapter, verse, and translation--will follow the quotation in square brackets immediately before the closing parenthesis.
Yes. Grammatically speaking, as long as what is inside each level of parentheses is grammatically correct, and what is outside the outermost level is also, the whole sentence is grammatically correct.
That doesn't mean that using multiple levels of parens is usually the best way to write. ;-)