How do I remove KDE from Ubuntu if I decide not to stick with it?
Solution 1:
$ sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop
$ sudo apt-get autoremove
will remove all the dependant packages it pulled in. Alteratively, if you use aptitude
like so
$ sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop
it'll remove all the dependant packages for you automatically. Personally I prefer the manual control of apt-get
, and it'll tell you when there are packages that can be autoremoved next time you use it anyway.
Solution 2:
sudo apt-get --purge remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop
Should perform a complete removal.
adds the ability to take down config files for packages you'll never use again. But as pointed out by TRS-80, the autoremove
command should be used afterward to trim off needless dependencies.
Solution 3:
As others have pointed out, you can use apt-get with --purge remove and autoremove/autoclean options.
You can also use the deborphan command (a separate package) to identify orphaned packages, and delete the identified packages so:
sudo apt-get --purge remove `deborphan`
A more comprehensive program is debfoster ( weed unnecessary Debian packages ) which I run quite often to keep my system tidy. A rather old HOWTO on debfoster shows you how to rid yourself of all KDE packages with instructions that are relevant still.
A small snippet of debfoster in operation ( I recently used it to purge eclipse and related packages from my system ). Note you can pass it a package to focus on as a parameter.
I regularly try and discard software, and debfoster is incredibly helpful in making sure I keep bloat from unwanted packages to a minimum.
$ sudo debfoster
ubuntu-desktop is keeping the following 194 packages installed:
acpi-support acpid apmd app-install-data-partner apport apport-gtk at-spi avahi-autoipd bluez-utils brltty brltty-x11
checkbox checkbox-gtk compiz compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main contact-lookup-applet cupsddk
cupsddk-drivers dc dcraw dmz-cursor-theme dnsmasq-base ekiga eog ethtool evolution-exchange evolution-indicator
example-content fast-user-switch-applet fglrx-modaliases file-roller finger firefox-3.0-gnome-support
firefox-gnome-support foo2zjs foomatic-db-hpijs gcalctool gdm gdm-guest-session gedit gedit-common
gnome-accessibility-themes gnome-cards-data gnome-codec-install gnome-games gnome-games-data gnome-mag gnome-nettool
gnome-orca gnome-power-manager gnome-screensaver gnome-session-canberra gnome-system-tools gnome-themes-selected
gnome-themes-ubuntu gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-schroedinger gstreamer0.10-tools gtk2-engines
gtk2-engines-murrine gucharmap gvfs-fuse hal-cups-utils hotkey-setup hpijs hplip hplip-data human-icon-theme human-theme
im-switch inputattach jockey-common jockey-gtk language-selector language-selector-common laptop-mode-tools lftp
libavahi-ui0 libbrlapi0.5 libcolamd-3.2.0 libcryptui0 libdmx1 libggz2 libggzcore9 libggzmod4 libgmime2.2a-cil
libgnome-mag2 libgnomepanel2.24-cil libgnomevfs2-bin libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 libieee1284-3 libmbca0 libnm-glib0 libnm-util1
libopal3.6.1 libotr2 libpt2.6.1 libpt2.6.1-plugins-alsa libpt2.6.1-plugins-v4l2 libsane libscim8c2a libsnmp-base libsnmp15
libusplash0 libwmf0.2-7-gtk libwpg-0.1-1 linux-headers-2.6.28-15 linux-headers-2.6.28-15-generic linux-headers-generic
lp-solve min12xxw mobile-broadband-provider-info mscompress nautilus-sendto nautilus-share network-manager
network-manager-gnome notify-osd nvidia-173-modaliases nvidia-180-modaliases nvidia-71-modaliases nvidia-96-modaliases
nvidia-common onboard openprinting-ppds pcmciautils pidgin pidgin-libnotify pidgin-otr pnm2ppa pxljr python-brlapi
python-cups python-cupshelpers python-gtksourceview2 python-pyatspi python-smbc python-usb python-virtkey readahead
rss-glx sane-utils scim scim-bridge-agent scim-bridge-client-gtk scim-gtk2-immodule scim-modules-socket
screensaver-default-images seahorse seahorse-plugins splix ssh-askpass-gnome syslinux system-config-printer-common
system-config-printer-gnome tangerine-icon-theme tomboy toshset tsclient ttf-arabeyes ttf-arphic-uming ttf-lao
ttf-sazanami-gothic ttf-thai-tlwg ubuntu-artwork ubuntu-docs ubuntu-gdm-themes ubuntu-sounds ubuntu-wallpapers
update-manager update-notifier usb-creator usplash usplash-theme-ubuntu vinagre vino whois wireless-tools wpasupplicant
xcursor-themes xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xinput xorg xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-gl
Keep ubuntu-desktop? [Ynpsiuqx?], [H]elp: Y
eclipse-cdt is keeping the following 77 packages installed:
ant ant-gcj ant-optional ant-optional-gcj antlr default-jdk default-jre ecj ecj-gcj eclipse eclipse-gcj eclipse-jdt
eclipse-jdt-gcj eclipse-pde eclipse-pde-gcj eclipse-platform eclipse-platform-gcj eclipse-rcp eclipse-rcp-gcj
eclipse-source fastjar gappletviewer-4.3 gcj-4.2-base gcj-4.3 gcj-4.3-base gij-4.2 gij-4.3 gjdoc java-gcj-compat
java-gcj-compat-dev java-gcj-compat-headless junit junit4 libantlr-java libantlr-java-gcj libbcel-java
libcommons-beanutils-java libcommons-collections-java libcommons-collections3-java libcommons-dbcp-java
libcommons-digester-java libcommons-el-java libcommons-launcher-java libcommons-logging-java libcommons-modeler-java
libcommons-pool-java libecj-java libecj-java-gcj libgcj-bc libgcj-common libgcj8-1 libgcj8-1-awt libgcj8-jar libgcj9-0
libgcj9-0-awt libgcj9-dev libgcj9-jar libgcj9-src libjaxp1.3-java libjaxp1.3-java-gcj libjsch-java liblog4j1.2-java
liblog4j1.2-java-gcj liblucene-java liblucene-java-doc libmx4j-java libregexp-java libservlet2.3-java libservlet2.4-java
libswt3.2-gtk-gcj libswt3.2-gtk-java libswt3.2-gtk-jni libtomcat5.5-java libxerces2-java libxerces2-java-gcj libxt-dev
Keep eclipse-cdt? [Ynpsiuqx?], [H]elp: H
Yes Keep eclipse-cdt. [default]
No Delete eclipse-cdt.
Prune Delete eclipse-cdt and the packages it is keeping installed.
Skip Skip this question.
Help Print this message.
Info or ? Show information about eclipse-cdt.
Undo Undo last response.
Quit Exit without removing packages.
Exit Remove unwanted packages and exit.
Keep eclipse-cdt? [Ynpsiuqx?], [H]elp: P
libpanelappletmm-2.6-dev is keeping the following 9 packages installed:
libcairomm-1.0-dev libgconfmm-2.6-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libgnomemm-2.6-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libpanel-applet2-dev
libpanelappletmm-2.6-1c2 libpangomm-1.4-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev
Keep libpanelappletmm-2.6-dev? [Ynpsiuqx?], [H]elp: S
Edit: A good link to learn about deborphan usage. A concise explanation of debfoster.