Find the longest substring in alphabetical order

Solution 1:

s = 'cyqfjhcclkbxpbojgkar'
r = ''
c = ''
for char in s:
    if (c == ''):
        c = char
    elif (c[-1] <= char):
        c += char
    elif (c[-1] > char):
        if (len(r) < len(c)):
            r = c
            c = char
            c = char
if (len(c) > len(r)):
    r = c

Solution 2:

Try changing this:

        if len(set(substr)) != (end - start): # found duplicates or EOS
        if (ord(max(sorted(substr))) - ord(min(sorted(substr))) + 1) == len(substr):

to this:

        if len(substr) != (end - start): # found duplicates or EOS
        if sorted(substr) == list(substr):

That will display ccl for your example input string. The code is simpler because you're trying to solve a simpler problem :-)