Recording direct from camera into MacBook Pro via HDMI?

Is there any way to 'tether' my camera via its HDMI out to a MacBook pro?

The goal is to record live, uncompressed, video direct from a camera. Thus skipping the camera's file system and recording directly onto the Mac's hard drive via Premier Pro or similar software.

Your MacBook Pro HDMI port is output only.

So no, you can not use it as input for your recording.

Your alternatives are USB 3 or Thunderbolt.

This is how it works for me camera's HDMI -> Mac's USB but it requires a special device:

  • I have a Panasonic HC-V777 camera which has a micro HDMI output (the micro HDMI - HDMI cabel is provided with the camera out of the box).
  • I have a Corsair Elgato HD60 S capture device which has 2 HDMIs: input and output. Also it provides an output port and a cable that connects HD60 to my Macbook's USB.
  • I connect my camera to HD60 which connects the camera to the USB.
  • OBS Studio is software that works on macOS and is HD60-friendly: it supports a special adapter that makes it possible to both record and stream the input from the camera coming to HD60 from the camera's micro HDMI.

The disadvantage of this approach is the need in the extra device (HD60 S) and also this device requires output to go somewhere otherwise the capture does not work. I connect it to the second monitor where I see the output from my camera that is passed through the HD60.