Do the Steam versions of the X-Com games have the original bugs fixed?
Has anyone played these on Steam? Are the bugs fixed?
Bugs I remember:
- All difficulties are the same.
- Infinite Fuel Glitch
- Shooting (and seeing) through some walls.
- Item spawn limits when aliens attack a base.
This would be the original game. UFO Defense a.k.a. Enemy Unknown
Solution 1:
No, the game is exactly the same as the original, run through DosBox.
Still a great game to play though :)
Solution 2:
There is a software tool called Xcom Util ( ( referenced on the Steam forums here along with Steam install instructions :- that fixes some of the bugs and adds a number of helpful features and tweaks to improve the game. It's certainly worth examining.
Solution 3:
The Steam version still uses the original game. None of the bugs are game-breaking, but they are worth knowing about.
Check them out Here.
My favorite? The Paying for Dirt bug. Be mindful or you will wonder where all your money went. :)
Solution 4:
Some fans have made a Windows clone. It requires that you own the original DOS version (easily acquired from steam).
The feature I'm most interested in is
Fixability: Play the game natively without any need for emulators or fancy hacks, with none of the limitations and bugs that plagued the original. No more 80-item-limit, personnel limits, funding overflows, disconnected facilities, broken proximity grenades, floating soldiers, etc.
Emphasis mine.