Monaco font not appearing in PuTTY font list

Solution 1:

According to the PuTTY manual, it will only allow you to select a fixed-width font. My guess is the Monaco is not being listed as a fixed-width font, and therefore does not show up in the list of available fonts.

Solution 2:

Besides the obvious font installation and registry changes, Microsoft's KB 247185 teaches the criteria that must be observed in order for a font to be available in the Command Prompt, partially quoted below:

The fonts must meet the following criteria to be available in a command session window:

  • The font must be a fixed-pitch font.
  • The font cannot be an italic font.
  • The font cannot have a negative A or C space.
  • If it is a TrueType font, it must be FF_MODERN.
  • If it is not a TrueType font, it must be OEM_CHARSET.

Additional criteria for Asian installations:

  • If it is not a TrueType font, the face name must be "Terminal."
  • If it is an Asian TrueType font, it must also be an Asian character set.

My understanding is that there's some overlap between these rules and those in PuTTY, particularly as pertains to TrueType requirements.

So by trial and error I've learned that there are multiple versions of the Monaco font available, and only some of these will work in CMD. An example of a correct version (2.0, to be precise) is the one available on this link provided by a SitePoint post on the so-called 'Top 10 Programming Fonts'.