Java - Access is denied [duplicate]

When you create a new File, you are supposed to provide the file name, not only the directory you want to put your file in.

Try with something like

File file = new File("D:/Data/" + item.getFileName());

Not exactly the case of this question but can be helpful. I got this exception when i call mkdirs() on new file instead of its parent

File file = new;
//file.mkdirs(); // wrong! 
file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); // correct!
if (!file.exists()) {

I have search for this problem and i got the following answers:

  1. "C:\Program Files\Apache-tomcat-7.0.69\" remove the extra backslash (\)
  2. Right click the log folder in tomcat folder and in security tab give this folder as a write-permission and then restart the net-beans as an run as administrator.

Your problem will be solved

You need to set permission for the user controls .

  1. Goto C:\Program Files\
  2. Right click java folder, click properties. Select the security tab.
  3. There, click on "Edit" button, which will pop up PERMISSIONS FOR JAVA window.
  4. Click on Add, which will pop up a new window. In that, in the "Enter object name" box, Enter your user account name, and click okay(if already exist, skip this step).
  5. Now in "PERMISSIONS OF JAVA" window, you will see several clickable options like CREATOR OWNER, SYSTEM, among them is your username. Click on it, and check mark the FULL CONTROL option in Permissions for sub window.
  6. Finally, Hit apply and okay.