What's this exact quote from Lost Eden?

Solution 1:

Is this the quote you're looking for:

"Graa is dead. But, his secret lies with his remains, in the Crypt of Abandon. You have come of age Adam. You must do what your father has never been willing to do.

Before I depart this world, I want to give you this shell. It is an object of power. With it you can call out to me in the Valley of Mists. If it is in my power to help you, I will.

It is time, the ancestors beckon me. Farewell children."

This dialogue is spoken near the beginning of the game by Dina's father, Tau, while explaining to Adam the importance of his coming of age.

Solution 2:

I can't tell you (actually I didn't even know the game before ;)), but if you still remember at which point in the game it was, it may be a good way to find out by watching a walkthrough on youtube:

Lost Eden Walkthrough

Maybe also looking at some walkthroughs my help you finding the part of the game when this happened, so it is easier to find the part on the youtube walkthrough.

Gamefaqs walkthrough