I get an error "None of the input catalogs contained a matching launch image" in xCode5-iOS7

I'm trying to define launch images. Probably only one image is missing.

I'm following the instructions from this site Create launch images in different sizes for different devices

So I have 7 images with the required size. But when I drag them to LaonchImages sheet it requires 8 images...the one that is missing is called "iPhone Portrait 2x" and according to the details pane I found its size 640x960 and I added it.

sill I'm getting the error - and the compilation fails...

Solution 1:

Select your project, go to Build Settings, search for AppIcon-2 and change it into AppIcon and you will be fine.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Select project file and then select target in question. In General tab there is in app icons and launch images launch image source should be "Use assets category" enter image description here

Solution 3:

My LaunchImage file had been deleted and I had to add a new one in my xcassets.

Go to your images.xcassets. If there is no LaunchImage listed on the left, click the plus button at the bottom and navigate to new iOS launch image. enter image description here

Solution 4:

I could solve this by going to Build Settings of my target, searching for word "launch", then removing (using Backspace) "Asset Catalog Launch Image Set Name", that was set to LaunchImage.