Basic text editor in command prompt? [closed]
I know for linux and Unix machines there is emacs and vi text editor and gcc is built in to compile c code? what would be the Windows text editor in cmd and are there any compilers built in?
I made a simple VIM clone from batch to satisfy your needs.
@echo off
title WinVim
color a
echo WinVim 1.02
echo To save press CTRL+Z then press enter
echo Make sure to include extension in file name
set /p name=File Name:
copy con %name%
if exist %name% copy %name% + con
Hope this helps :)
There is also a port of nano for windows, which is more more akin to notepad.exe than vim is
Get the WINNT zip. Tested in Windows 7 works as expected
I want to add that it is very strange to introduce Core and Nano servers without native console full-featured editor. Like others I`ll recommend to use vim or nano. But my suggestion is to install it via OneGet (require WMF5)! They both are presented in Chocolatey repository so installation is simple and fast:
PS C:> Find-Package -Name vim | Format-Table -AutoSize
Name Version Status ProviderName Source Summary
---- ------- ------ ------------ ------ -------
vim 7.4.638 Available Chocolatey chocolatey Vim is an advanced text editor...
PS C:> Install-Package vim