How to check if the screen replacement part for iPhone 5s is an original one? [closed]

I'm about to repair a broken screen for iPhone 5S at a non-official repair shop (as official repairs don't provide screen replacement in my region, only replace the whole phone for a fee).

How can I check that the replacement part is a genuine one made by Apple (no matter new or extracted from a used phone) rather than a third-party replica?

In all likelihood the screen won't be original. You'll be able to tell from a number of factors but none of them are conclusive as fake screens can exhibit any of these indicators...

  • The glass should be a deep black or neutral white, not grey, or cream.

  • The phone shouldn't feel heavier, often fake screens are much heavier.

  • The grille over the ear piece should have a fine black mesh not silver or with large holes, or missing.

  • After cleaning the screen, if you place the screen in a bright pin/spot light you should see a streaks of rainbow colours in a criss-crosssing diamond pattern.

Rainbow effect on front glass

Back glass has a normal reflection

  • The thickness should be the same as before, fake screens are often almost twice as thick as originals.

The glass should only bee 1-2mm thick

  • You shouldn't be able to see the proximity sensor in the glass, and if you can it should be a neutral grey not a blue transparent look.

Proximity sensors shouldn't be visible or should be a neutral grey in bright light