(Android Studio) How to debug through my code only?

When I try to debug through my code in Android (using Step Into, F7 command), the debugger takes me through all system classes, which I do not want.

For example, when I place a breakpoint at the 2nd line below (i.e. "startActivity(ourIntent);"), instead of going into my Activity (i.e. "myclass), the execution point goes into Activity.java > Instrumentation.java, etc... all system classes.

I dont want that. I only want to step through my code that I have written.

What is a way to achieve this?

        Intent ourIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, "com.practice.gamesbook.myclass");

"Add new Pattern" option under "Debugger" > "Stepping" is disabled

enter image description here

Go to Android Studio > Preferences > Debugger > Stepping then in the bottom click the plus arrow with the question mark that says Add Pattern. Type android.* and hit OK and then Apply.

For the latest version of android studios

  1. Go to File->Setting and search for Stepping
  2. click on +? sign on the right side
  3. add the following 4 patterns one by one





In Android Studio 2.0 select File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Debugger > Stepping. Then click the "Add Pattern" button on the right. Type android.* (or whatever pattern you want to exclude) and click "OK" twice.