Why does GCC generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for size instead of speed?

Solution 1:

By default compilers optimize for "average" processor. Since different processors favor different instruction sequences, compiler optimizations enabled by -O2 might benefit average processor, but decrease performance on your particular processor (and the same applies to -Os). If you try the same example on different processors, you will find that on some of them benefit from -O2 while other are more favorable to -Os optimizations.

Here are the results for time ./test 0 0 on several processors (user time reported):

Processor (System-on-Chip)             Compiler   Time (-O2)  Time (-Os)  Fastest
AMD Opteron 8350                       gcc-4.8.1    0.704s      0.896s      -O2
AMD FX-6300                            gcc-4.8.1    0.392s      0.340s      -Os
AMD E2-1800                            gcc-4.7.2    0.740s      0.832s      -O2
Intel Xeon E5405                       gcc-4.8.1    0.603s      0.804s      -O2
Intel Xeon E5-2603                     gcc-4.4.7    1.121s      1.122s       -
Intel Core i3-3217U                    gcc-4.6.4    0.709s      0.709s       -
Intel Core i3-3217U                    gcc-4.7.3    0.708s      0.822s      -O2
Intel Core i3-3217U                    gcc-4.8.1    0.708s      0.944s      -O2
Intel Core i7-4770K                    gcc-4.8.1    0.296s      0.288s      -Os
Intel Atom 330                         gcc-4.8.1    2.003s      2.007s      -O2
ARM 1176JZF-S (Broadcom BCM2835)       gcc-4.6.3    3.470s      3.480s      -O2
ARM Cortex-A8 (TI OMAP DM3730)         gcc-4.6.3    2.727s      2.727s       -
ARM Cortex-A9 (TI OMAP 4460)           gcc-4.6.3    1.648s      1.648s       -
ARM Cortex-A9 (Samsung Exynos 4412)    gcc-4.6.3    1.250s      1.250s       -
ARM Cortex-A15 (Samsung Exynos 5250)   gcc-4.7.2    0.700s      0.700s       -
Qualcomm Snapdragon APQ8060A           gcc-4.8       1.53s       1.52s      -Os

In some cases you can alleviate the effect of disadvantageous optimizations by asking gcc to optimize for your particular processor (using options -mtune=native or -march=native):

Processor            Compiler   Time (-O2 -mtune=native) Time (-Os -mtune=native)
AMD FX-6300          gcc-4.8.1         0.340s                   0.340s
AMD E2-1800          gcc-4.7.2         0.740s                   0.832s
Intel Xeon E5405     gcc-4.8.1         0.603s                   0.803s
Intel Core i7-4770K  gcc-4.8.1         0.296s                   0.288s

Update: on Ivy Bridge-based Core i3 three versions of gcc (4.6.4, 4.7.3, and 4.8.1) produce binaries with significantly different performance, but the assembly code has only subtle variations. So far, I have no explanation of this fact.

Assembly from gcc-4.6.4 -Os (executes in 0.709 secs):

00000000004004d2 <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>:
  4004d2:       8d 04 37                lea    eax,[rdi+rsi*1]
  4004d5:       c3                      ret

00000000004004d6 <_ZL4workii>:
  4004d6:       41 55                   push   r13
  4004d8:       41 89 fd                mov    r13d,edi
  4004db:       41 54                   push   r12
  4004dd:       41 89 f4                mov    r12d,esi
  4004e0:       55                      push   rbp
  4004e1:       bd 00 c2 eb 0b          mov    ebp,0xbebc200
  4004e6:       53                      push   rbx
  4004e7:       31 db                   xor    ebx,ebx
  4004e9:       41 8d 34 1c             lea    esi,[r12+rbx*1]
  4004ed:       41 8d 7c 1d 00          lea    edi,[r13+rbx*1+0x0]
  4004f2:       e8 db ff ff ff          call   4004d2 <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>
  4004f7:       01 c3                   add    ebx,eax
  4004f9:       ff cd                   dec    ebp
  4004fb:       75 ec                   jne    4004e9 <_ZL4workii+0x13>
  4004fd:       89 d8                   mov    eax,ebx
  4004ff:       5b                      pop    rbx
  400500:       5d                      pop    rbp
  400501:       41 5c                   pop    r12
  400503:       41 5d                   pop    r13
  400505:       c3                      ret

Assembly from gcc-4.7.3 -Os (executes in 0.822 secs):

00000000004004fa <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>:
  4004fa:       8d 04 37                lea    eax,[rdi+rsi*1]
  4004fd:       c3                      ret

00000000004004fe <_ZL4workii>:
  4004fe:       41 55                   push   r13
  400500:       41 89 f5                mov    r13d,esi
  400503:       41 54                   push   r12
  400505:       41 89 fc                mov    r12d,edi
  400508:       55                      push   rbp
  400509:       bd 00 c2 eb 0b          mov    ebp,0xbebc200
  40050e:       53                      push   rbx
  40050f:       31 db                   xor    ebx,ebx
  400511:       41 8d 74 1d 00          lea    esi,[r13+rbx*1+0x0]
  400516:       41 8d 3c 1c             lea    edi,[r12+rbx*1]
  40051a:       e8 db ff ff ff          call   4004fa <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>
  40051f:       01 c3                   add    ebx,eax
  400521:       ff cd                   dec    ebp
  400523:       75 ec                   jne    400511 <_ZL4workii+0x13>
  400525:       89 d8                   mov    eax,ebx
  400527:       5b                      pop    rbx
  400528:       5d                      pop    rbp
  400529:       41 5c                   pop    r12
  40052b:       41 5d                   pop    r13
  40052d:       c3                      ret

Assembly from gcc-4.8.1 -Os (executes in 0.994 secs):

00000000004004fd <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>:
  4004fd:       8d 04 37                lea    eax,[rdi+rsi*1]
  400500:       c3                      ret

0000000000400501 <_ZL4workii>:
  400501:       41 55                   push   r13
  400503:       41 89 f5                mov    r13d,esi
  400506:       41 54                   push   r12
  400508:       41 89 fc                mov    r12d,edi
  40050b:       55                      push   rbp
  40050c:       bd 00 c2 eb 0b          mov    ebp,0xbebc200
  400511:       53                      push   rbx
  400512:       31 db                   xor    ebx,ebx
  400514:       41 8d 74 1d 00          lea    esi,[r13+rbx*1+0x0]
  400519:       41 8d 3c 1c             lea    edi,[r12+rbx*1]
  40051d:       e8 db ff ff ff          call   4004fd <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>
  400522:       01 c3                   add    ebx,eax
  400524:       ff cd                   dec    ebp
  400526:       75 ec                   jne    400514 <_ZL4workii+0x13>
  400528:       89 d8                   mov    eax,ebx
  40052a:       5b                      pop    rbx
  40052b:       5d                      pop    rbp
  40052c:       41 5c                   pop    r12
  40052e:       41 5d                   pop    r13
  400530:       c3                      ret

Solution 2:

My colleague helped me find a plausible answer to my question. He noticed the importance of the 256 byte boundary. He is not registered here and encouraged me to post the answer myself (and take all the fame).

Short answer:

Is it the padding that is the culprit in this case? Why and how?

It all boils down to alignment. Alignments can have a significant impact on the performance, that is why we have the -falign-* flags in the first place.

I have submitted a (bogus?) bug report to the gcc developers. It turns out that the default behavior is "we align loops to 8 byte by default but try to align it to 16 byte if we don't need to fill in over 10 bytes." Apparently, this default is not the best choice in this particular case and on my machine. Clang 3.4 (trunk) with -O3 does the appropriate alignment and the generated code does not show this weird behavior.

Of course, if an inappropriate alignment is done, it makes things worse. An unnecessary / bad alignment just eats up bytes for no reason and potentially increases cache misses, etc.

The noise it makes pretty much makes timing micro-optimizations impossible.

How can I make sure that such accidental lucky / unlucky alignments are not interfering when I do micro-optimizations (unrelated to stack alignment) on C or C++ source codes?

Simply by telling gcc to do the right alignment:

g++ -O2 -falign-functions=16 -falign-loops=16

Long answer:

The code will run slower if:

  • an XX byte boundary cuts add() in the middle (XX being machine dependent).

  • if the call to add() has to jump over an XX byte boundary and the target is not aligned.

  • if add() is not aligned.

  • if the loop is not aligned.

The first 2 are beautifully visible on the codes and results that Marat Dukhan kindly posted. In this case, gcc-4.8.1 -Os (executes in 0.994 secs):

00000000004004fd <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>:
  4004fd:       8d 04 37                lea    eax,[rdi+rsi*1]
  400500:       c3   

a 256 byte boundary cuts add() right in the middle and neither add() nor the loop is aligned. Surprise, surprise, this is the slowest case!

In case gcc-4.7.3 -Os (executes in 0.822 secs), the 256 byte boundary only cuts into a cold section (but neither the loop, nor add() is cut):

00000000004004fa <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>:
  4004fa:       8d 04 37                lea    eax,[rdi+rsi*1]
  4004fd:       c3                      ret


  40051a:       e8 db ff ff ff          call   4004fa <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>

Nothing is aligned, and the call to add() has to jump over the 256 byte boundary. This code is the second slowest.

In case gcc-4.6.4 -Os (executes in 0.709 secs), although nothing is aligned, the call to add() doesn't have to jump over the 256 byte boundary and the target is exactly 32 byte away:

  4004f2:       e8 db ff ff ff          call   4004d2 <_ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0>
  4004f7:       01 c3                   add    ebx,eax
  4004f9:       ff cd                   dec    ebp
  4004fb:       75 ec                   jne    4004e9 <_ZL4workii+0x13>

This is the fastest of all three. Why the 256 byte boundary is speacial on his machine, I will leave it up to him to figure it out. I don't have such a processor.

Now, on my machine I don't get this 256 byte boundary effect. Only the function and the loop alignment kicks in on my machine. If I pass g++ -O2 -falign-functions=16 -falign-loops=16 then everything is back to normal: I always get the fastest case and the time isn't sensitive to the -fno-omit-frame-pointer flag anymore. I can pass g++ -O2 -falign-functions=32 -falign-loops=32 or any multiples of 16, the code is not sensitive to that either.

I first noticed in 2009 that gcc (at least on my projects and on my machines) have the tendency to generate noticeably faster code if I optimize for size (-Os) instead of speed (-O2 or -O3) and I have been wondering ever since why.

A likely explanation is that I had hotspots which were sensitive to the alignment, just like the one in this example. By messing with the flags (passing -Os instead of -O2), those hotspots were aligned in a lucky way by accident and the code became faster. It had nothing to do with optimizing for size: These were by sheer accident that the hotspots got aligned better. From now on, I will check the effects of alignment on my projects.

Oh, and one more thing. How can such hotspots arise, like the one shown in the example? How can the inlining of such a tiny function like add() fail?

Consider this:

// add.cpp
int add(const int& x, const int& y) {
    return x + y;

and in a separate file:

// main.cpp
int add(const int& x, const int& y);

const int LOOP_BOUND = 200000000;

static int work(int xval, int yval) {
    int sum(0);
    for (int i=0; i<LOOP_BOUND; ++i) {
        int x(xval+sum);
        int y(yval+sum);
        int z = add(x, y);
        sum += z;
    return sum;

int main(int , char* argv[]) {
    int result = work(*argv[1], *argv[2]);
    return result;

and compiled as: g++ -O2 add.cpp main.cpp.

      gcc won't inline add()!

That's all, it's that easy to unintendedly create hotspots like the one in the OP. Of course it is partly my fault: gcc is an excellent compiler. If compile the above as: g++ -O2 -flto add.cpp main.cpp, that is, if I perform link time optimization, the code runs in 0.19s!

(Inlining is artificially disabled in the OP, hence, the code in the OP was 2x slower).