Measure amount of traffic in Ubuntu in GBs?

Solution 1:

You can use System monitor to see the traffic used in a single session. Use gnome-system-monitor to open it in a terminal.

You a totalistic view of usage, you can use ipac-ng. Install it with the command

sudo apt-get install ipac-ng

Here is a good guide about usage of this software.

Alternatively, You can also use vnstat. Install it wit the command:

sudo apt-get install vnstat

To start vnstat cron job, you would use this simple command:

sudo vnstat -u -i eth0

Replace eth0 with the actual interface for you. It is eth1 for me. This job will run every five minutes measure and update the usage data. At any given time you can use vnstat command to see the usage.

A good guide about using vnstat is here. You can also check Ubuntu manual page for vnstat