What is a good style for documenting OS X hotkeys on web with markdown?

I often need to give instructions on using OS X hotkeys in documentation. I write it in markdown, usually on GitHub pages and sometimes on StackExchange. The keys are formatted with <kbd>key</kbd> = key.

In OS X interfaces the keys are usually listed together, with no spaces between. But OS X uses a well-readable font, so the string looks pretty.

enter image description here

But when rendered on a website, symbols don't always look good. So there are two options: to either write all keys in one tag, or each in a separate tag

Option 1.

* <kbd>⌥\</kbd> = `«`
* <kbd>⌥⇧\</kbd> = `»`

Resulting in

  • ⌥\ = «
  • ⌥⇧\ = »

Option 2

* <kbd>⌥</kbd><kbd>\</kbd> = `«`
* <kbd>⌥</kbd><kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>\</kbd> = `»`

Resulting in

  • \ = «
  • \ = »

Which is best? Should I maybe add + symbols in between? (Which looks like a Windows-style to me).

Option 2a

  • + \ = «
  • + + \ = »

Solution 1:

I'm not sure it's set in stone anywhere, but the convention for Ask Different seems to be along the lines of

<kbd> Cmd ⌘ </kbd> <kbd> Ctrl ⌃ </kbd> <kbd> Opt ⌥ </kbd> <kbd> Shift ⇧ </kbd> <kbd> T </kbd>
Cmd ⌘ Ctrl ⌃ Opt ⌥ Shift ⇧ T

giving the abbreviated name & key symbol, no + between

It's not as tidy as the Apple way, admittedly.

I'm not certain for 'key equivalents' but maybe
Opt ⌥ Shift ⇧ \ = »
as your option 2.

BTW, I use System Prefs > Keyboard > Text to generate these quickly in Stack Exchange
(which apparently only works in Safari, not Firefox or Chrome, see Replace text with predefined value in browser)

enter image description here