How to open a password protected excel file using python?
Solution 1:
I don't think that named parameters work in this case. So you'd have to do something like:
xlwb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename, False, True, None, password)
See for details on the Workbooks.Open method.
Solution 2:
I recently discovered a Python library that makes this task simple.
It does not require Excel to be installed and, because it's pure Python, it's cross-platform too!
msoffcrypto-tool supports password-protected (encrypted) Microsoft Office documents, including the older XLS binary file format.
Install msoffcrypto-tool:
pip install msoffcrypto-tool
You could create an unencrypted version of the workbook from the command line:
msoffcrypto-tool Myfile.xlsx Myfile-decrypted.xlsx -p "caa team"
Or, you could use msoffcrypto-tool as a library. While you could write an unencrypted version to disk like above, you may prefer to create an decrypted in-memory file and pass this to your Python Excel library (
, etc.).import io import msoffcrypto import openpyxl decrypted_workbook = io.BytesIO() with open('Myfile.xlsx', 'rb') as file: office_file = msoffcrypto.OfficeFile(file) office_file.load_key(password='caa team') office_file.decrypt(decrypted_workbook) # `filename` can also be a file-like object. workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=decrypted_workbook)
Solution 3:
If your file size is small, you can probably save that as ".csv". and then read
It worked for me :)