Python Requests: Post JSON and file in single request

Don't encode using json.

import requests

info = {
    'var1' : 'this',
    'var2'  : 'that',

data = {
    'token' : auth_token,
    'info'  : info,

headers = {'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data'}

files = {'document': open('file_name.pdf', 'rb')}

r =, files=files, data=data, headers=headers)

Note that this may not necessarily be what you want, as it will become another form-data section.

See this thread How to send JSON as part of multipart POST-request

Do not set the Content-type header yourself, leave that to pyrequests to generate

def send_request():
    payload = {"param_1": "value_1", "param_2": "value_2"}
    files = {
        'json': (None, json.dumps(payload), 'application/json'),
        'file': (os.path.basename(file), open(file, 'rb'), 'application/octet-stream')

    r =, files=files)

I'm don't think you can send both data and files in a multipart encoded file, so you need to make your data a "file" too:

files = {
    'data' : data,
    'document': open('file_name.pdf', 'rb')

r =, files=files, headers=headers)

I have been using requests==2.22.0

For me , the below code worked.

import requests

data = {
    'var1': 'this',
    'var2': 'that'

r ="",
    files={'document': open('doocument.pdf', 'rb')},
    headers={"Authorization": "Token jfhgfgsdadhfghfgvgjhN"}. #since I had to authenticate for the same

print (r.json())

For sending Facebook Messenger API, I changed all the payload dictionary values to be strings. Then, I can pass the payload as data parameter.

import requests


url = ''
payload = {
        'access_token' : ACCESS_TOKEN,
        'messaging_type' : "UPDATE",
        'recipient' : '{"id":"1111111111111"}',
        'message' : '{"attachment":{"type":"image", "payload":{"is_reusable":true}}}',
files = {'filedata': (file, open(file, 'rb'), 'image/png')}
r =, files=files, data=payload)