How to jump to album in iOS 8.4 Music app?

I've updated to iOS 8.4, and on the revamped Music app, I can't jump to artist. In previous versions, I could be playing a shuffle playlist and whenever I'm on some song and I wanted to keep playing from that album, I could simply tap the top right button and it would jump me to the currently playing song's album. Now, when I'm playing a song in a shuffle playlist, I see that button has been placed next to seek controls (previous, play/pause, next buttons), but when I tap that, it doesn't take me to the album anymore, it takes me to playlist.

How can I jump to album when playing a song from shuffle? It was a feature that I was using passively, but now I can't find it and I'm having quite hard time jumping to song's album, which I did a lot.

  1. The currently playing song shows up in a horizontal now playing bar.

  2. Click the three dots on the right hand side of the bar.

  3. Click on the album name at the top of the pop up menu.

There is a bug "Unknown Album" if you do that on an Apple Music track.