I have to refresh browser all the time to view a webpage, and sometimes only text appears instead

I have to refresh my browser all the time.

Browser doesn't matter, this happens in all browsers.

The problem is when I enter a URL, sometimes the page loads fine, but most times the page won't load (keeps loading without anything happening), or it loads but only text is visible and not the pictures, OR the browser displays some strange text like "host: blabla, connection: keep-alive etc etc" (text which isn't on the webpage at all).

I have no clue what it could be... It has been bugging me for months now.

I have a network cable with a DSL connection, and I have all drivers setup from the manufacturers website for all computer components.

I run Windows XP.

I am suspecting my network card (ethernet card). It is Broadcom NetXtreme GBabit Ethernet.

Is anybody having the same issue?

If you need more input let me know...

Found this, fixed it!


TYPE THIS IN THE COMMAND PROMPT (make sure command prompt is run as admin)

1st) ipconfig /flushdns

Restart PC - if the problem still exists then type this:

2nd) netsh winsock reset


Some of you said that 'Windows 8.1 sucks because it can't access the internet'(chrome,safari etc) ..In this video i will show to fix the ERROR! ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED. If the method in the video fix the error , please leave a like and comment.

Sort of a stab in the dark, but often if you can see the website text but it looks formatted all strangely without images, it's a network quirk where your browser hasn't received the stylesheet for that site, and so it doesn't implement the formatting.

If this happens all the time, and you're reasonably sure it's not your network card, I would suggest you update the firmware on your router to start.

I had this same issue for months on my workstation and assumed it was some type of virus since my 8-year-old uses this computer all the time.

It turned out to be the network cable I was using. I switched to a new cable and the problem totally went away. I'm not saying it will be the cable in all cases, but if you have more than one computer connected to the same Internet connection via an in-home router as I do I would look for hardware problems first.